
Explore the DIH4Industry Ecosystem

DIH4INDUSTRY is an European Commission Digital Innovation Hubs tool, aimed at creating, nurturing and governing an Ecosystem of Digital Innovation Hubs with a regional Smart Specialisation in Manufacturing.


DIH4INDUSTRY is a single access point for DIH practitioners and policy makers to identify which EC DIHs are active in the Manufacturing domain, where they are located, which experiments they are supporting and, last but not least, which services they are providing for the Digital Transformation of EU Manufacturing Industry.


DIH4INDUSTRY Ecosystem not only includes the Manufacturing DIHs in the relevant focus areas of H2020 DT-ICT programmes, but also encompasses DIHs with a technological specialisation in Industrial IoT and Industrial AI, as well as a sectoral specialisation in the process industries. 


DMIW represents Wales in the UK as part of this specialised ecosystm.


For more information, visit www.dih4industry.eu